Hey guys. Have a look at our videos and other content on this site. It’s been created to prevent you getting in trouble and to help you make the right decisions online.
Remember, you only have one chance so – Beware The Share!
Online grooming is when some people on the Internet will ask for your "nudes" (sexualized material), these people could be strangers, friends or celebrities.
Sexual Extortion of children, also known as “Sexting” is the sharing of sexual images via mobile phones or other electronic devices, is legal if it occurs between consenting adults. But it is illegal if it occurs between children and young people. In the case of one or both of the participants being underage, there could be criminal consequences to both the creator of sexual image and the receiver. This could be considered a criminal offense.
Image-based abuse (IBA) happens when an intimate image or video is shared without the consent of the person pictured. This includes images or videos that have been digitally altered (using Photoshop or specialised software).